Wednesday, April 11, 2007


My very favorite blogger in the world, Dooce, has a great dog named Chuck who can balance things on his head. Today, when I showed him this picture, Sal raced excitedly to the cupboard and grabbed our new box of low-fat strawberry Pop-Tarts. Based on his glowering expression, which seems to say "Are you fucking kidding me with this?" I'm guessing Chickens does not have much of a future in balancing things on his head:


Robyn said...

Ooooo. One glowing purple eye, one glowing reddish yellowish orangish eye. He is PISSED.

Robyn said...

OH! And I thought I was your favorite blogger.

Robyn said...

Oops. I was trying to put emphasis on the "I" and it just looks like a slash.

Robyn said...

Just one more comment for the road...